Mollie's birthday is April 28, 2006

Sunday, January 20, 2008

We Have Our I171H ! ! !

We finally received our I171H in the mail this past Tuesday from the immigration office. It is the very last document that now completes our paperchase :-) !!! My sister and I took all my documents this past Wednesday to be county and state certified. I then over-nighted them to my adoption agency. All that is left is for them to be authenticated in Washington DC!!! Then they are off to China. We are hoping that our dossier will leave the states the end of January or very beginning of February. That will be our DTC date (dossier to China). We will then wait to here from China to get our LID (logged in date). May is getting closer! We are counting down the months. Please pray that Mollie is safe and healthy.

~ "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22

May you be safe and sleep soundly through the night.
May you be safe as you wake to the morning's light.
May you feel our love from so far away.
May it comfort and protect you throughout each day.

We will pray for you my little one,
Until our time of waiting is done.
We will pray that the Lord keeps you safe from harm,
Until the child of our hearts becomes the child in our arms.